
SMS Access

1. General
The SMS Access alternative works as follows:
  1. You ask your visitors to text your keyword to the associated shortcode (see point 2). Your keyword represents a fixed price, the price you have chosen when you created the service.
    For example: you have chosen a rate of € 2.85 for the keyword PINCODE.
  2. The visitor receives an answer by SMS with a pincode from TargetSMS.
  3. The visitor fills in the pincode on your website (see point 3).
  4. You check with us if the payment was succesfull. (see point 4);
  5. After a successful payment you can provide the chosen service to your visitor.

2. Payment screen

You must show the visitor a payment screen with the following information:
  • Keyword (e.g. PINCODE);
  • Shortcode, the 4 digit number,the sms should be sent to (e.g. 3010);
  • Valuta and price;
In addition to this information, you ask the visitor to fill in the received pincode on your website and click the 'continue' button.


SMS PINCODE to 3010 (€ 2.85).

You receive an SMS with pincode. Enter the pincode below and press the 'continue' button.

3. Check pincode
Call this URL, using HTTP POST, to check the pincode:

The following parameters apply:

Variable Name Format Required
rtlo layoutcode numerical Yes
keyword used keyword alphanumeric Yes
code by user entered pincode numerical Yes
shortcode 4 digit shortcode numerical Yes
co country code numerical Yes
test testmode numerical No

More detailed explanation per variable:
  • rtlo
    The sub account on which sales must be recorded. You can manage your sub accounts on

  • keyword
    The keyword of your service e.g. PINCODE.

  • code
    The 6 digit pincode your visitor entered on your website.

  • shortcode
    The 4 digit code, the message will be sent to. e.g. 3010.

  • co
    The country code. 31 for the Netherlands, 32 for Belgium, etc.

  • test
    0 or 1. If you give the value 1 for 'test' all checks will be made, but an OKAY status will always be returned,even if the pincode has already been used or is not valid at all. You can use this parameter to test your scripts.
4. Result codes
When the pincode is correct, the following will be sent back:

000 OK

If there is something wrong, one of the following error codes will be returned:

001 no layoutcode specified
002 no pincode specified
003 pincode format is incorrect (must be 6 digits)
004 pincode already checked at [date and time]
005 pincode not found
006 test format is incorrect (must be 0 or 1)
007 no shortkey specified
008 no shortcode specified
009 no country specified
010 invalid countrycode
011 invalid shortcode
012 shortcode format is incorrect (must be 4 digits)

5. Remarks
  • The most expensive SMS will be sent last. E.g. to collect € 2.85 the order is 1x € 0.25 then 1x € 1.10 and finally 1x € 1.50

  • You can process several pincodes in a script at the same time, and collect multiple rates this way. You process a call per pincode as described above.

  • Pincodes are valid for 24 hours.